In what ways does my media product use, develop forms and conventions of real media products
•Psychological aspect/stalking victim.
•Got an element of mystery by not identifying the murderers facial expressions.
•Clear narrative throughout the film so it flows easier.
•Murder weapons e.g. Knife
•Mysteries location, dark gloomy streets.
•Point of view shot through the eye on the murderer watching the victim.
•Vulnerable attractive women seen as victim to attacker.
•Eerie non diegetic background music. Builds up tension.
•Costume for murderer, all black connotations of evil and destruction.
•Costume for victim, white top connotations of virginity and purity.
•Other shoulder shot used to give the audience an insight of what the murderer is watching.
•Close of Victims face to show relief and anxiety when she closes the door to her house.
• A cliff-hanger is used at the end of the product to create anticipation for the audience.
•Diegetic scream used at the end of the film to show the murderer killing his first victim.
How does my media product represent particular social groups?
My media project does not represent any stereotypical social group although it does challenge stereotypes and archetypes. I have used a tall and medium built man to be the ‘stocker ’ and a small girl to show innocence and vulnerability. The archetypal representation is a villain and damsel in distress. This is easily recognizable to the audience as it is commonly shown in other films of this genre and their viewing preferences. I have also stereotyped the girl as being emotional and over dramatic to fit with a general representation of girls. I haven’t stereotyped girls as girlie because it would not fit with my storyline and give a negative image to the female representation e.g.. Pink and ditsy.
What kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why?
•My media product would be distributed by media institution which specialise in horror/thriller films.
•The Institution that I would like to distribute my product would be Lions Gate Entertainment.
•I have chosen this film company as it specialises in thrillers/horror films which have been very popular e.g. The Devil’s Rejects, Hostel, My Bloody Valentine 3D and Ju-on; The Grudge
•I feel this company would promote my product well. There promotion of the saw films have been very successful not only did they promote through trailers and billboards, but the films became so popular that theme parks now have rides dedicated to these films.

Who would be the audience for my media product?
•The target audience for my product will been teenagers at a range from 15-18.
•I have achieved this by using actors who are in this age range and the audience can relate to them.
•My target audience for my product are usually the people that watch thrillers and horrors and they are very attracted to them.
•The issues that I have used in my product are those which would be understood by a mature audience. As if I showed this to a younger audience they properly wouldn’t be able to follow the narrative.
•Many other thriller/horror films are certificate 15-18, my media product I think fits into this criteria as the issues that I deal with will be understood and will have been touched upon before in some other films.
How did I attract/address my audience?
•I attracted my audience by using a clear narrative throughout the product. This is so the audience is not confused by what is happening in the product.
•I used a variety of camera shots to intensify the scenes. I have done this because I don’t want the audience to be bored by the same camera work.
•The actress that is stared in my product is very young and very attractive. This will attract a male audience to watch my product, as they will want to see the female throughout the piece. Women will be attracted by the awareness, as they will be informed of what can happen in the real world and how to keep safe.
•To retract my audience I have used all the conventions of a thriller/horror e.g. Dark gloomy streets, knife, diegetic scream, dark clothing, and a sense of mystery.
What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?
I have learnt to edit my product in I movie. This was quite a simple process because I picked it up very quickly and was able to apply to my product
•Another technology, which I had to use, was the video camera. This was at time difficult as it was hard to portray point of view shots as the camera was a bit shaky and was not to convincing. Another factor which came under the camera was when best to shoot the scene, as we wanted the victim to be walking in the night at a very fast pace as she is being followed.
•For my product I had to make my own non-diegetic soundtrack on garage band. I found this simple as I wanted to make the music eerie and build tension throughout the product. At the end of each scene a loud drum bangs which catches the audience out as they think the background music flows very simply. To create tension I used a loud violin sound, as it is very creepy and strange.
Looking back at my preliminary task, what do I feel that I have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
•I have learnt how to adapt certain things as not everything works for a media product.
•I have also learnt how to use I movie properly, as when I was editing my preliminary task I didn’t how to edit everything correctly and smoothly.
•From filming my preliminary task I have learnt how to use the camera to have an effect on the product.
•I have learnt how to create an original soundtrack, which I wanted to accompany my film. Having produced my own soundtrack adds an element of originality as no one else’s soundtrack would sound the same.
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