This is a shot for shot tutorial through our fully edited and finished opening.
1st shot - Mid shot, tracking shot of a girl walking down the street.
2nd shot - Mid shot, tracking shot of the same girl walking (continuation of previous shot)
3rd shot - Point-of-view shot of the girl being watched through a fence by her stalker
4th shot - close up, zooms out from central image of a picture, then we see more pictures and notes up on a wall, these have key words such as "beautiful", "victim" and "love"
5th shot - Point of view shot, hand opening the gate (same style shot as 3rd shot)
6th shot - over the shoulder shot, continuing to zoom out (4th shot) the attacker comes into view, small part of his shoulder
7th shot - point-of-view, girl continues to walk away from camera (linked with shots 3 and 5)
8th shot - Over the shoulder, fully zoomed out (continuation of 4th shot) over shoulder of the villain who drags a knife along the pictures.
9th shot - Long shot, girl walks away from camera, still along the road
10th shot - Panning shot of girl walking past the camera and up to the front door of her property
11th shot - Mid shot of girl walking into the house, going to the front door, fiddling about with the key and finally opening the door
12th shot - Mid shot from inside the house. The girl closes the door and turns her body to the camera and the audience, with a relieved facial expression
13th shot - Medium long shot from the door. Girl opens the door that is in front of her (bathroom) and the attacker grabs her as she enters. He has a knife in his hands, the same one that he was dragging along the wall